New Weekly Energy Card Reading Mon 1st May - Sun 7th May 2017 + Meditation Monday

New Weekly Energy Card Reading + Meditation Monday

Good Morning Folks!  

I have something a little different for you this week an energy card reading! :)

What is an energy card reading I hear you ask? An energy card reading is essentially another name for a weekly reading. Other practitioners just use traditional tarot cards and others like myself will use a variety of different cards from tarot, oracle or even angel cards.

An energy card reading is intended to give clarity and insight into the energies around us at the present time, either within us, in our environment or even on a larger scale.

I use to do weekly card readings some time ago, though choric health issues at the time made them quite exhausting after a while, so it is lovely to be able to feel this is something I can do again!

So without further ado lets crack on with the reading. For this weeks reading I will be using Doreen Virtue's Healing With The Angels deck.

Weekly Card Reading for Mon 1st May - Sun 7th May

Monday - Wednesday 

Serenity - At the start of the week find some quiet time for you and allow yourself some peaceful serenity. 

I regularly do a practice called chi ball on Mondays and this is the exact message I receive today, relax, slow down and listen to what tour soul wants you to know. 

Often times we are always on such a rush to get things done, to be somewhere or do something, yet how many of us actually stop and give ourselves some much needed 'me time'?. Astrologically speaking, last week there was quite a few things happening in our skies that was bringing up a lot of emotions that may have needed to be worked through! Perhaps you are still feeling some things from this time, be gentle with yourself and take care of you. I also sense there is a message here that you may have also been missing some beauty in our life. Beauty is something we can easily miss if we are not in a regular practice of remembering to be grateful. Harnessing an attitude of gratitude is vital if we want to feel good. Even when life may feel like on a downer, training our mind to feel gratitude, even just for a small thing like our morning cup of tea or coffee starts to wire your brain to see other things of beauty, which in turns begins to turn our mood and our perspective around. 

Wednesday - Friday 

Abundance - What a wonderful card to have toward the middle of the week; abundance comes to us in all forms, what have you been looking to experience more of in your life of late? Perhaps this is something that had come to you in your you time earlier in the week? Whatever the case may be, trust that as we head towards the middle and end of the week that allowing yourself to give yourself some you time has allowed for abundance to flow. Abundance is always there for us, no matter how we want it to show up, yet if we are constantly stressed or tired, we can't be open to this blessed energy as we are too distracted by our current state of affairs. Trust that even if you can't feel or see what abundance wants to come forward to you know, just as they angel is playing the the strings in the card, the sound of abundance will be singing into your life shortly. 

Friday - The Weekend 

Enchantment - 
Again, what a lovely card to end the week on, it seems by the weekend we are being asked to connect to our sense of wonder and excitement, to make like a child and allow our imagination to soar. As children we use to have an inherent trust that things would work out or that miracles happen and this is exactly what we are being asked to trust by the weeks end, your miracles, your answered prayers are coming. Have faith and have trust.

***** <3 *****

Overall it seems that as we move through this week a flow of positive energy will be filtering through our lives. We recently had a new moon in Taurus, the sign of earthly goods and money, bringing us all a new beginning and a fresh start that we may have been working towards one way or any or another.

Next up ...

Meditation Monday

There was a strong message of faith for this weeks reading and I am going to continue on with Doreen Virtue's work and have decided to share this meditation and prayer she has to offer on Faith.

What is your connections and feeling towards faith? Where you brought up in a household that was always faith through sunday service or the like or was it a different story? Was faith and belief something now practiced in your home or life and you wonder if the tide is against you?

For me personally, I always felt very spiritually connected as a kid and during my primary school years I went to a school where we practiced prayer almost daily. I wasn't brought up in a religious home, but I always sensed I was different in some way, so having these practices in my life from a young age helped me greatly to me in what seemed like a harsh world.

Naturally as life goes on and as we get older, things happen that test our faith, we if came from a previously faithful background, we might start to wonder why all these things happened and if we didn't, perhaps those tests opened us to the thought that maybe there is something greater than us out there that truly have our back, only if we believe.

This is a short and sweet watch, yet if you follow closely, maybe you'll see the ways in which magick unfolds as Doreen shares with us.

I hope you all have a lovely week and I am sending you all much love.

Zandra x


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