Monday Intentions - Blossoming Prosperity
Monday Intentions
Blossoming Prosperity
First and foremost, Happy Autumn Equinox! It was a lovely weekend here in the UK and some late summer / early autumn warmth too which was very much appreciated! Also you may have also read the "big news" that on the 23rd the world was suppose to end! Don't you just love a good old dooms day prediction? ;)
As you can tell, the world didn't end and we are all still here for those who were meant to continue their journey beyond this point, which leads me to todays Monday Intentions post this week ... Prosperity! :D
You may have heard in spiritualist groups and circles over recent years about the divine feminine. The divine feminine isn't only concerned with women, it is the balance of energy we all have within, male and female, masculine and feminine, ying and yang. Our world has been for many years now very much focused on the masculine energy and their are some great examples of how this has been playing out. Men being more highly paid than women, the notion that men should be the bread winners and that women are more for seeing to home duties. Certain sports only really being associated with men and woman mainly being the weaker sex. There can be no denial that there has been a large imbalance on energy in this world and that is exactly what times we have just been through. This years autumn equinox was not about the literal 'end of the world' it is however the beginning of the end of the world as we know it!
As with anything in life, when we lean too far one way or the other, imbalance occurs and nature its very self is about the fine balance of light and dark, masculine and feminine. We need both in order to survive and when both are in balance, we thrive!
The universe, our universe is abundant in nature and only wishes to deliver to us what we need or want for our highest good and as the energy of the divine and our mother earth continue to rebirth and heal, so too will our lives both personally and globally. Old structures are currently coming down and being replaced, so too we are cleansing and clearing ourselves of energy patterns that no longer serve so that we can rebuild our lives based on authentic principles.
Some of us have been lead to believe that the law of attraction is mostly or even only used to draw to use material wealth, yet this is a mis use of a universe law. The law of attraction is far greater than this and though material wealth can materialise from its use, we can use the law of attraction in far greater ways to make a real positive and lasting difference that supports both ours and the planets transition into the next level of our spiritual evolution.
What things are you wiling to look at and let go of this week so that a new birth of abundance can come forward in your life?
Much Love
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