As they Saying Goes ....
As they Saying Goes ....
So I wondering what to write about today and I decided to let my animal oracles give me a clue, when the dragonfly message came up with the message 'I can pretend' the perfect topic came to me .... fear!
As the saying goes:
'everything we ever want is on the other side of fear'Do you agree with this or are you on a different page? I think it is fair to say that a major of us, if not all of us can relate to this statement in one way or another. Fear, we all have it, we have experienced it to one degree or another and we have most likely all overcome some kind of fear or another or another, no matter how big or small in our lives so we could get to where we wanted to go in life.
The thing is, fear isn't necessarily a bad thing. If we didn't have fear we wouldn't learn the importance of boundaries. If we didn't have boundaries, such as emotional boundaries or physical boundaries we wouldn't learn how to respect either each other or other things that can potential hurt us. Fear and boundaries are in essence meant to keep us safe, however the other thing with fear is, a lot of the beliefs some of us may have around fear are potentially out dated. We no long live in the stone age and have to worry a bout T- Rex charging us down, no, we live in the 21st century and in theory the safest time in our lives.
Ok maybe that is quite a bold thing to say considering the things that have been happening in the world of late, but I am not looking at fear here on a global scale, I am talking about fear on a personal level and the ability we have in the day and age to take control of our lives and make the changes we seek to have a brighter future.
I Can Pretend

The imagination of a child is an amazing, magical thing. They can take you to far off lands, even to outer space with that elephant they picked up on their safari and their fairy godmother on a magic carpet. To them this is almost all in a days work to them. If children didn't use their imagination, they couldn't become who they aspire to be and we as adults are just the same, we may have just forgotten this in our fear of the world and not learning to play.
When we pretend to be something, like being courageous as a lion for example, it might feel silly at first, but the more we allow ourselves to play that character and really feel and act like that courages lion, magic happens, Something inside us shifts, an old belief or notion loosens its grip on us and we slowly start to stretch our wings beyond our own boundaries and explore the world beyond those limits that awaits us.
Another way to think about this is looking at practices like yoga or pilates. Yoga in particular is a practice of stretching to limits that you might not even think possible! Sometimes we look at a yoga position that someone has got themselves into and think 'how did they do that?'. The answer, though patience, practice and perseverance. Yoga stretches one beyond limits you may not have thought possible, yet with those 3 P's in mind, the impossible becomes I'm possible and you are!
Where is fear showing up in your life at the moment and how can you best move through this fear to get to what you want that is waiting for you on the other side?
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