Monday Intentions - Take The Leap

Monday Intentions - Take The Leap

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We've all been there, we've made that decision that we are going to take that big step that we know is the next step that takes us to our dreams. We are there, standing on the edge of abyss, we may be able to see what is ahead of us, though we most likely won't and it hits us, those feelings of fear and panic, feelings of excitement and exhilaration. We may bounce from one set of feelings to the next, we may question our own mind or senses; 'what am I doing?', 'this is crazy right?'. These are all normal feelings when we choose to leave the path of comfort and follow the path to our dreams.

This reminds me of a quote I love 

I am the captain of my ship, the master of my fate
Only we have the power in our life to makes the decisions and choices that feed our soul, no one else can do this for us, though they may try because they want us to think they know whats good for us. Please know this isn't necessarily true! We all have or had people in our lives who are our rocks and gently give us a nudge to what they feel is right and they can be right, but there are also those who don't want us to change because our staying stuck only helps them. These are the voices I am referring to and these are the voices you have the choice to break free from and live your life on purpose.

It is very easy to want to stay in the comfort zone, we know what it feels like and we have come to know it as our security blanket, yet there is nothing secure about saying in a way of life or way of being that doesn't serve you on the highest level.

Yes, there is always fear in stepping into the unknown, yet when we make brave choices that we know will nourish our soul, the universe will automatically set to work to guide you to the next step.

Be the captain today and spread your wings and let the universe guide you today!

With love and blessings



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