Why You Need Lava Rock In Your Life
Lava rock jewellery has been popular for a good few years now and each year I attend bead shows or similar, it seems the varieties of colours and sizes that you can get seems to ever increase, it always seems to be kinda elusive as well!
Most people will know that lava beads have become all the rage because of their unique formation and their ability to dispense your favourite essential oils. Lava rock jewellery, however has been around a lot longer than this though and it started with the Italians.
When in Rome ...
In the 19th century, the Italians discovered that little beads could be made from the lava rock that was left over when the volcano Vesuvius erupted. In this case, lava rock is formed from basalt, a porous material with a unique appearance and lightweight texture.
Lava rock or lava beads come in 2 different types, the black variety and the brown. When the black beads are made, they actually start life as grey in colour, however through treatment, they turn a stunning jet black colour. The brown variety can be found in other shades such as red, cinnamon and chocolate - yummy! :p
Lava Bead Healing Properities
As with all stones and minerals, many believe that they hold special qualities that can be used for a number of different 'issues' such as spiritual, emotional, mental and physical and lava rock is no exception.
Lava Rock is said to be an efficient grounding stone and is associated with the root chakra (or base chakra, the seat of our survival and security). As a grounding stone, lava rock is said to be able to bring balance to our emotions and enhance strength and calmness.
As lava rock has been literally born of the element of fire, lava rock can also be seen as a symbol of rebirth and renewal, shifting through the things that no longer serve us and bringing us face to face with our own inner fire to move past fears and be the best we can be.
Lava Rock Today
As I mentioned at the start, lava rock has become increasing popular over the years as many jewellery artists and designers have discovered that the unique formation of the stones make it a perfect way for others to get the potential benefits of aromatherapy through the day without having to have a massage all the time, though I wouldn't turn that down either! ;)You can clearly see from this picture the amazing formation of lava rock and how it is loved by jewellery designers alike for aromatherapy jewellery. |
As we move ever forward into a more earth conscious or health conscious world, trying to find more earth friendly ways of doing things, the boom in the aromatherapy and essential oils industry has grown ten fold. It's no wonder then why lava rock jewellery and aromatherapy jewellery in general has taken off.
There are many different styles and ways you can wear lava rock jewellery, though the most popular styles seem to be bracelets and necklaces as these will be closest to natural pulse points where we are often directed to use oils when we buy roll ons or balms.
I should mention that if you are drawn to wear lava rock jewellery for aromatherapy uses, please be aware that you should only use near oils that are diluted in a carrier oil such as almond or rose hip (or any others of your choice) or pre blended oils that are diluted in a carrier oil for straight use.
Whichever designs you choose to go for that suits your style and personality, be sure to care for your jewellery in the appropriate manner. Only apply oils to the lava beads themselves and when you are ready to try a different blend, be sure to wash your jewellery in eco friendly soap and warm water. If your piece contains other stones, be sure to check that those stones are ok to be rinsed in water as some (selenite for example) can disintegrate.
I offer a lovely selection of lava rock bracelets in my etsy shop which can be found here.
I am also an independent consultant for Neals Yard Remedies (NYRO) and offer a wide range of beautiful essential oils and handmade organic skin care in the UK. If you want to visit my site for more details, you can do so here.
Thank you for joining me and I hope you enjoyed this article.
Until next time
Crystal healing and aromatherapy are regarded as complimentary or holistic therapies and should not be used in place or any traditional or conventional therapies.
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