Mindful Monday - Where Are You On The Road To Your Dreams?



Hello July!

It's officially just past the mid year point and as always I have been caught off guard by how quickly time flies these days!

Today on the Mindful/Meditation Monday post I wanted to talk about dreams and goals. It's usually expected that at the start of each year, we sit down and we spend some time thinking about what we  cant to achieve in the new year that has just started. We may make a vision board, journal, start a planner or some other method to think about our dreams and what we want to achieve. 

At this mid year point, it is a great time to sit down and re evaluate where we are and what we intended to achieve at the start of the year. Where are you on your personal road map today? Are you where you wanted to be or hoped to be in terms of your life or your work? Or has the sat-nav got confused and sent you in a different direction? ;) Whatever the answer is and especially if your feeling like your haven't really gone anywhere, please know this - 'it's never too late'.

At the start of the year I brought myself the most beautiful planner from The Joyful Entrepreneur (www.thejoyfulentrepreneur.co). I was all guns blazing, I heard on the stunning reviews from other members of the group (I am part of the Flourish coaching group) and I thought, 'right I am ready to focus on my business and make it a success'. 

When I got my planner and I went through the first few pages, I sat down and created my vision board! Now I have to say, it is a pretty lovely vision board. I have on there visions for my jewellery, my health, coming into my own and not being afraid to let go of things that don't serve me anymore! There is also a page for a business plan, which I tried to fill out, but well ..., lets just say it could be better! lol

Anyway, my point is I started the year with every intention, as most of us do of staying focused and achieving the things I set out to do! Where am I now at this mid year point? Honestly I am no where near where I wanted to be and of course my ego wants to beat myself up for that, but actually when I think of how things have worked out this year and the nudges from my inner guidance, it is OK that I am not where I hoped or imagined I would be as the things have been happening all the time, I've just been in my own way (another thing I am totally guilty of) of how or when things are meant to happen, according to Spirits Time!

Yesterday I spend a good portion of the day looking at my planner, that honestly I have been afraid to use and thinking about my priorities and how I will make them what they are meant to be (priorities) and stop putting off my success out of fear of not feeling worthy or good enough!

Having had adrenal fatigue for a good 8 years, taking care of myself is paramount, so one of my priorities is self care. I'm one of those people who if I don't make myself a priority, I never really will. To me this means taking the appropriate exercise that strengths me (pilates, yoga, chi ball/tai chi), eating correctly (cut the sugar) and managing stress levels properly (going to bed at a sensible time, eating nourishing foods, making the effort to meditate and or pray and of course the importance of practicing gratitude and positivity). I know I can do this, but also as a serial carer (eg: wanting to care take too much), it is something that requires all effort and awareness on my own part!

My other main priority is my business (of course). If I am honest, I have been quite scared to put myself out there with what I do! Events from the past have made me prone to anxiety and low self esteem. I have never been one who likes to be the centre of attention, yet at the same time, I know if I do not put myself in the spot light I lose out in so many other ways in terms of connections, meeting new people and of course growing my business. I do what I do because it genuinely gives me so much joy. Creating is like therapy for me in terms of healing from trauma and stress, but it is also a way for me to share a piece of myself with someone else and hopefully give them the strength to be who they are too. 

So where do I want to be successful in all of this? Of course I want to be great at taking cafe of myself and of course I want my jewellery to be a hit, but I think my real success actually comes from my dream of wanting to move from the city and live a more balanced, positive life doing something that I love, supporting and encouraging other people through my work and also almost more importantly, being with my family, my own family and just treasuring each other.

If I am honest these things still feel foreign to me, there is part of me that still feels like these things can't happen, yet I know deep down, this is NOT true, it just means I have to work on that feeling of deserving. I DO Deserve good things in my life, I DO Deserve to live the life of my dreams and I DO Deserve success.

I will ask you again, where are you on the road to your dreams? What blocks have you encountered and what can you do to move through these? I know I can move through these fears and I know that you can to! <3 


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