Crystals for Courage and Stepping into Your Power

Courage, we all want it, yet for some of us courage is not something that comes to us easily, especially so if we have been very sheltered in life or if things have been especially tough and we have had our confidence smashed to pieces.

We can go around and around in circles wondering what to do with ourselves, too afraid to make a decision in fear we make the wrong one, yet this fear also keeps us from making any decision at all and keeping us stuck in the place that we want to move from, never having that courage to take the first step.

As you are going to find out through this blog and my work, crystals and gemstones are things I have always loved and felt a lovely connection to. They give me such joy, yet they are also wonderful allies to us on our spiritual path. When we think of an ally or friend, we almost automatically think of another human or even our animal friends, however we have so many more spiritual allies and friends available to us from the seen and unseen worlds who are just waiting for us to sit up and take notice of them so they can assist us in this journey called life! :)

There are  pretty much hundreds, if not thousands of different crystals and minerals out there for us to connect with each with their own unique energy ready to assist us in the best way possible with purity and love. When it comes to connecting and activating courage and stepping into power, we can do this through working with the energy centres (chakras) in your body. The two chakras associated with courage and confidence are the 2nd chakra called the sacral chakra and the 3rd chakra called the solar plexus chakra. Some crystals and stones that work well with this are ...

Honey Calcite

Honey Calcite, such gorgeous in one mineral with its beautiful tone and texture, especially it's raw form. Honey Calcite is typically yellow to orange in colour and works with the solar plexus chakra and the third eye or brow chakra.  Honey Calcite is a gentle stone said to be able to uplift our energy and offer cleansing so that we can be in alignment with positive thoughts that allow us to grow in the right direction. Honey Calcite is said to be wonderful at activating the solar plexus chakra so we can rediscover our confidence and use our power in the best way. As it also connects to the third eye, Honey Calcite can also offer us clarity so that we can make decision with joy and ease.

Smoky Citrine

Smoky Citrine is a somewhat rare stone, but also a very powerful stone, combining Smoky Quartz and Citrine in one stone. Both Citrine and Smoky Quartz on their own connect to the solar plexus chakra (Smoky Quartz is also a base/root chakra stone). Smoky Citrine is said to be a wonderful stone for assisting one to not only awaken our own personal power, but also stay centred and connected so that we use our power in a responsible way. Very much like Honey Calcite, Smoky Citrine works to cleanse your energy and is said to be very helpful with working with our digestive system, the area in your body where we hold to along of things, whether that be emotions, situations and thoughts. Smoky Citrine can help us shift through these so that we can determine a healthier set of beliefs that truly are our own.

Tigers Eye / Red Tigers Eye

One of my personal favourites; Tigers Eye is all about courage and confidence, you know the 'eye of the tiger' and all! ;) It is a beautiful stone that very much looks like the colour and appearance of a beautiful tiger. Tigers Eye is said to work primarily with the lower  chakras, stimulating life force energy. Tigers eye is a very protective stone and helps us use our in honour and integrity. Tigers eye is said to be able to clear blockages to our self work and creativity.


Citrine, probably one of the most well know crystals for self confidence and of course abundance. Citrine is said to help us understand our personal personal  and shift through egotistical thinking, connecting us to our inner wisdom. Citrine is a very popular manifestation stone. It is said to be able to clear the mind and and help find clarity, connect this with drawing off any negativity and standing in the light of our truth with love, Citrine can help us find the confidence to bring our dreams and desires to fruition. Citrine is also said to be an excellent stone for easing our fears and anxieties. It is important to note that there are two types of citrine available on the market, heat treated citrine and natural citrine. Heat treated citrine is fair denser in colour and is often white with bright yellow/orange. This type of citrine has an more 'energetic' and perhaps 'chaotic' energy due to the process it has been through to produce it. Natural citrine is yellow to light yellow in colour and much harder to obtain. It's energy is powerful, but much gentler.


Carnelian, a beautiful orange, glassy stone that can vary in colour to dark red / orange, to orange, yellow and also most white. Like some of the other stones listed,  Carnelian stimulates and activates the lower chakras, said to offer vitality, creativity and motivation.  Carnelian is said to help us find a positive outlook so that we can move past apathy and make life choices that motivate us and promote success. Carnelian is said to be very helpful in over coming negativity and abuse and replace it with self trust and positive perception.

These are just some examples of stones that you can choose to work with, though there are many more out there to choose from and if you do decide you want to use crystals to help with confidence issues, it is helpful to know what stones there are, however it is even more important to follow what you feel called to! :) 

If you are interested in seeing some of these examples I have listed here, you are more than welcome to pop on over to my etsy shop. Or if you would like to work with me in creating a piece especially for you and your needs, you free to reach out to reach out to me.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Much Love


**Disclaimer: Crystal Healing is considered and alternative therapy and therefore should not be used in place of any professional therapy you may be receiving, but rather seen as a complimentary spiritual support**


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