Monday Intentions
Purpose & Priorities, Our Road Map to Fulfilment
photo credit: Tiny Buddha |
You have probably heard this questioned been asked before, or even asked this question of yourself, 'what is my purpose in life or how do I find my life purpose'? Now already that is a pretty big question or questions in itself! No one can tell us what our purpose is, unless of course you willing participate or commune with spirit guides from the light, they may be able to give you direction, to uncover our purpose in life we must be willing to do the deep soul work and uncover for ourselves what it is we are truly here for.
For as long as I can remember have had an interest in many different areas of life, animals, the environment, being a teacher, a mentor, charity work, artists, musician, full time student and the list goes on ... deep down though as a teenager and young adult, I never truly knew what I wanted to do! Yes I had a million and one different interests and I knew in my heart I wanted to make a difference, I just didn't know exactly what I wanted to do or how I was going to do that! I also felt this pressure that in order to make a difference in the world I needed to be some time of super hero and have this grand way in which to make lives better! Does this sound familiar to you? if i does, I am not surprised as this is something many of us, who resonate more with a spiritually minded life feel! We need to be a amazing to make a difference.
After spending the last 2 or 3 years of my life feeling confused with my own direction, someone recommended the book Living With Intent, by Malika Chopra to me. I can honestly say, reading this, or I should maybe say listening to this as it was a first time for me with audio books was like a sweet home coming to my soul. Listening to the author re account her journey towards creating this book made me see why I did certain things over the last few years and how they resulted in some things in my life that I had previously never felt possible or imaginable. It also helped me understand why it is so important sometimes to let go of control and allow ours to help!
In Malika's examples she illustrated the importance our uncovering our true intentions, as it is through uncovering these that slowly the road to our purpose is revealed. When we live in pure intent, we begin to shape our purpose around our priorities and when we show up for our priorities everyday, we also start to feel the fulfilment of living a life on purpose.
It also important to note that our purpose in life doesn't have to be some grand thing, sometimes our purpose can be something as simple as just being having a family or providing shelter for those in need. These are by no means "fancy jobs", but they are no less important than those who work on a grander scale. As with everything in the universe, everything all has it's place and without this order, there would be no balance.
As for me, I have come to realise I am living my purpose! All those thing that mentioned at the start of this blog, actually they are part of my purpose in some ways, they are just showing up in ways I never expected and that is the beauty of it! Now my job is or my priorities are to make sure I learn to embrace whom I am, take the best care of myself so that I can show up for you with love! <3
What did you want to be when you grew up and what are you doing now? Do you feel you feel your living your life on purpose or is something out of alignment?
Let me know in the comments below.
With love and Blessings
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