Meditation Monday Self Acceptance

Meditation Monday on Self Acceptance

This is going to be a pretty short post today, I've been looking at self acceptance lately and I was reminded of this quite by Marianne Williamson.

Self acceptance is something we all know we NEED to do it, some of us do DO it and the rest of us? We run and we run and we RUN!

Learning to love ourselves, learning to love every inch of us, our good, our bad, our past, our present and even our future is no easy feat, not even for those who have got themselves to a level where they are more comfortable than they use to be, they will still have moments where they will get knocked down or caught off guard. None of us are immune from this, yet when we remember where are come from, that we are a spiritual being and that it is our birth right to shine and to let others our gifts without fear of who we are or what others think, we automatically raise ourselves up to new level of self love and mastery, allowing others to do the same!

What I love about the quote is that it reminds us that it is not our fears or our darkness that we are afraid of, its actually that we are pretty freakin' awesome bearers of light, love and compassion and wat gives us that right to be 'God' or 'Goddess' if you will. As Marianne points out though, we are children of the creator/universe/spirit or whichever you choose to use and in that respect we have a small piece of him/her inside us, a magnificent beam of divine love. 

As you go about your week this week, carry these words in your heart, allow yourself to reflect on them and feel them and see where you are led. <3 


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