Meditation Monday - Courage

Meditation Monday - Courage

Good Morning! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! :) Mine was spend at the bead fair not far from where I live on saturday ogling over beautiful beads and getting some lovely supplies so I can create, create, create! :)  Yesterday was more of a quiet day, to just chill and be still, though wasn't easy as I am use to being someone always on the go, which leads me to todays meditation.

Courage! I know I have talked over this some in a pervious blog post, but it seems to be something of a buzz word at the moment and it is good to look over again! :) 

This year is a number 1 year in numerology, meaning it is a year of fresh starts. new beginnings and letting go of things that don't serve us, so that we can step into the person we want to become or the future we wish to create. Letting go, taking the decisions to start fresh in life, it all takes Courage!

Conquering any fear, big or small takes courage on our part to say 'Yes, I can do this'. Believing in ourselves, takes courage as we may fear we are not good enough or we will let someone or ourselves down, yet if we don't try, how will we know?

My weekend required me to have courage, especially at the fair. At the moment I have this fear that I will make a wrong move as so many moves I have made in life in the past have led to some pretty horrid outcomes and after a while you start to wonder,  'why do I bother, I always make the wrong move anyway?' yet making decisions had to be done for me, as in what to buy and will it work with what I want to create? This probably sounds totally stupid, yet it is a real issue for me and I know I am not alone in this feeling. I think for me on this my deeper fear is actually I am afraid to spend and that I can create success!

Needless to say, I did buy things in the end and after I spend my first lot, it was like a broke down a barrier and it made it that bit easier to move forward and get other things.

I am going to leave you with this short talk this week by Your World Within. I think it does a great job of summing up what courage is and how when we strip back the layers of any decision we made, how it took courage to do that!

I hope you enjoy and it gives you courage in whatever you need this week.

Let me know in the comments below what scares you and what gives you courage to move forward.

Much Love



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