Meditation Monday - The Power of Forgiveness

Meditation Monday - The Power of Forgiveness

Hello, Happy Monday to you!

I wanted to offer you something at the start of each week to give you something to focus on as your week unfolds. Forgiveness is very much something that has been playing on my mind this year. We all have bad things that happen to us in life, but some times we can find them hard to move on from, especially if we can't forgive.

I have seen my fair share of pretty awful experiences in life and especially over the last few years, yet I have struggled to really forgive and move on. It is only through forgiveness however that we can move on from the burden of those hurts so we can be free to move on to a more fulfilling life.

Here is a Tedx Talk by Sammy Rangel. It is not long, however I would like to warn you that he does share some incredibly hard things that some may find difficult. His walk and his words though are very powerful and just goes to show that even with the hardest of things in life, forgiveness and the ability to move forward is possible.

If you do manage to watch, I hope you enjoy.

Much Love


A Tedx Talk by Sammy Rangel - The Power of Forgiveness


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